For couples who feel stuck in a Power Struggle and want to break the deadlock...

Discover The 90-Day Method Currently Taking Couples From The Brink Of Divorce To Peaceful, Reconnected, And Unafraid Of Conflict

Without going to endless sessions of couples therapy,
or worrying that you'll be blamed for all the problems in your relationship,
or that you'll have to 'air your dirty laundry' in group settings.

For couples who feel stuck in a Power Struggle and want to break the deadlock...

Discover The 90-Day Method Currently Taking Couples From The Brink Of Divorce To Peaceful, Reconnected, And Unafraid Of Conflict

Without going to endless sessions of couples therapy, worrying that you'll be blamed for all your relationship problems,

or that you'll have to 'air your dirty laundry' in group settings.

I help couples radically transform their relationship – not by getting back to the love you once had, but by maturing to a new stage of your relationship – Peace. 

Couples who come to me are typically hurting...

  • You may have tried couples therapy and it didn't work...

  • You may be feeling hopeless

  • Lonely

  • Scared that you're going to break up

  • Or even devastated after discovering an affair

  • And your children are being affected

The only thing you know is...
things can't go on as they are...

Couples who come to me are typically really hurting...

  • You may have tried couples therapy and it didn't work...

  • You may be feeling hopeless

  • Lonely

  • Scared that you're going to break up

  • Or even devastated after discovering an affair

  • And your children are being affected

The only thing you know is...
things can't go on as they are...

My typical clients are often:

  • High-achieving couples, stuck in self-defeating behaviour

  • Professional or retired

  • Have children (though not all do)

  • Maintaining busy lives – sometimes high-profile

  • Require a discrete, private service

  • Straight or gay (my method works universally)

  • Determined not to tolerate an unsatisfying relationship any longer

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

  • You used to have a loving, fun, exciting relationship.

  • But now the way you speak to each other is disrespectful and combative

  • You feel like you don’t even know or like your partner any more, and they don’t like you either

  • In arguments, typically one of you pursues, while the other one withdraws (this is the most common dynamic but there are others)

  • You wonder how your relationship ever got into such terrible shape

You wish you could find a way back to…

  • Talking to each other lovingly and affectionately, really connecting and having fun together

  • Enjoying the best of each other, and looking forward to decades ahead together

  • Approaching everything life throws at you as a team, not feeling like you’re living with your arch-enemy

Tell me if this sounds familiar...

  • You used to have a loving, fun, exciting relationship.

  • But now the way you speak to each other is disrespectful and combative

  • You feel like you don’t even know or like your partner any more, & they don’t like you either

  • In arguments, typically one of you issues ultimatums or withdraws

  • You wonder why you can't seem to communicate

  • You wonder how your relationship ever got into such terrible shape

You wish you could find a way back to…

  • Talking to each other lovingly and affectionately, really connecting and having fun together

  • Enjoying the best of each other, and looking forward to decades ahead together

  • Approaching life's ups and downs as a team – someone you can always count on

4th on mobile - wide on desktop You wish you could find a way back to…

  • Talking to each other lovingly and affectionately, really connecting and having fun together

  • Enjoying the best of each other, and looking forward to decades ahead together

  • Approaching life's ups and downs as a team – someone you can always count on

So how do you break out of this painful Power Struggle stage, when it feels like you've been stuck in it for months, years, or even decades?

I'll tell you what NOT to do...

Don't think that learning your partner's 'love language' is going to be the answer to your problems...

  • Giving your partner more hugs & physical touch

    while the core issues lie unresolved and your partner has built up a wall

  • Or buying gifts or holidays because you know your partner's love language is receiving gifts (but it only works momentarily)

  • Or trying to crowbar compliments and words of affirmation into your conversations when you're in a habitual pattern of negativity

...And don't think you need to become an expert on Attachment Theory (or any other theory)...

  • Trying to label your own and your partner's attachment/communication style, which often leads to resentment...

  • Reading up on theories from relationship experts on Instagram or TikTok, so that you can give your partner a commentary on what they're doing wrong, but you're unable to see your own blind spots

  • Awareness on its own isn't going to change your relationship

Because The Reality Is...

The Source Of Your Unhappiness Runs A Lot Deeper Than That...

Couples come to me saying: "We've talked about this over and over..."

...But the reason you're not getting anywhere is that you're talking about the surface issues and not the core issues beneath them...

Couples come to me saying: "We've talked about this over and over..."

...But the reason you're not getting anywhere is that you're discussing the surface issues and not the core issues beneath them...

  • Perhaps one of you has been unfaithful in the past, and you’ve been struggling to rebuild the trust ever since…

  • Perhaps you’ve slowly evolved into different people over the years, and you’ve realised your needs, wants, and goals are now completely different…

  • Or maybe you’ve been stuck in a deadlock so long you can’t even remember what it feels like to be connected, peaceful, and in love.

  • Perhaps one of you has been unfaithful in the past, and you’ve been struggling to rebuild the trust ever since…

  • Perhaps you’ve slowly evolved into different people over the years, and you’ve realised your needs, wants, and goals are now completely different…

  • Or maybe you’ve been stuck in a deadlock so long you can’t even remember what it feels like to be connected, peaceful, and in love.

That's Why My 4-Step Process Addresses The Root Cause Of Your Issues – Rather Than Just The Surface Problems

…so that – no matter your past, or the current state of your relationship, or even if you've been to couples therapy before and got nowhere – it’s possible to create more peace, warmth, and affection in your relationship.

And the best part?

It Can All Happen In As Little As 90 Days.

...With me you will rapidly get to the core of your issues so you can understand what's really lying beneath it all, heal it and move forward together.

That's Why My 4-Step Process Addresses The Root Cause Of Your Issues – Rather Than Just The Surface Problems

…so that – no matter your past, or the current state of your relationship, or even if you've been to couples therapy before and got nowhere – it’s possible to create more peace, warmth, and affection in your relationship.

And the best part?

It can all happen in as little as 90 days.

...With me you will rapidly get to the core of your issues so you can understand what's really lying beneath it all, heal it and move forward together.

Image of happy couple in their 60s looking at the sea.

J & L, UK


"We both love each other but there is a lot of anger, frustration and contempt sitting between us."


"I've had a massive shift in my thinking."


"We've put our wedding rings back on."

Here are the 4 steps you'll take towards a healthy, thriving relationship...

Step 1

Recognise That You And Your Partner Are In The Power Struggle

Step 2

Learn That The Love Will Return When The Safety Returns

Step 3

Learn The Communication Method That Will Return Emotional Safety

Step 4

Practise Daily Until You’ve Removed All Your Relationship Landmines

As you go through the 4 steps you'll be supported by my online video course that you can both watch at your own pace...

...While the most transformational and practical part of the program is the weekly one-to-one coaching and support you receive from me. I will be laser-focused on your own specific relationship issues and getting you the result you want. 

Here are the 4 steps you'll take towards a healthy, thriving relationship...

Step 1

Recognise That You & Your Partner Are In The Power Struggle

Step 2

Learn That The Love Will Return When The Safety Returns

Step 3

Learn The Communication Method That Will Return Emotional Safety

Step 4

Practise Daily Until You’ve Removed All Your Relationship Landmines

You will take these 4 steps as you go through the program, supported by a step-by-step online video course that you can both watch at your own pace...

...While the most transformational and practical part of the program is the one-to-one coaching and support you'll receive from me, laser-focused on your own specific relationship issues. 

The program combines a step-by-step online video course that you can watch at your own pace...

...along with one-to-one coaching support from with me, based on your own relationship issues. 

The program combines a step-by-step online video course that you can watch at your own pace...

...along with one-to-one coaching support from with me, based on your own relationship issues. 

Step 1

Recognise That You & Your Partner Are In The Power Struggle

Step 2

Learn That The Love Will Return When The Safety Returns

Step 3

Learn The Communication Method That Will Return Emotional Safety

Step 4

Practise Daily Until You’ve Removed All Your Relationship Landmines

The program combines a step-by-step online video course that you can watch at your own pace...

...along with one-to-one coaching support from with me, laser-focused on your own specific relationship issues. 

Every element of the 90-Day Power Struggle to Peace program is designed to give you everything you need to become a Peaceful, Affectionate, Loving Couple again. 

Every element of the 12-week Power Struggle to Peace program is designed to teach you every skill you need to become a Peaceful, Affectionate, Loving Couple again. 

Just imagine within 12 weeks...

Looking forward to coming home to your partner, excited to see them again!

Exchanging loving glances, gestures and affectionate touches several times a day.

Being able to talk about subjects like finances & sex in a calm, constructive way.

Feeling like an unstoppable team who can achieve anything they want. 

Looking forward to coming home to your partner, excited to see them again!

Exchanging loving glances, gestures and affectionate touches several times a day.

Being able to talk about subjects like finances & sex in a calm, constructive way.

Feeling like an unstoppable team who can achieve anything they want. 

Join Power Struggle To Peace And Discover A Proven Roadmap To Help You Replace Tension, Frustration And Contempt In Your Relationship With Peace, Warmth And Affection In 12 Weeks Or Less.

Join Power Struggle To Peace And Discover A Proven Roadmap To Help You Replace Tension, Frustration And Contempt In Your Relationship With Peace, Warmth And Affection In 12 Weeks Or Less.

Let's take a closer look at the 3 pillars of the program...

Video lessons: Learn how relationships really work!

Get the Relationships Education you never received. Watch the 5-minute video lessons I've recorded at your own pace.

What you can expect...

  • 6x 5-min videos each week

  • All of my specialist couples knowledge & expertise condensed so we can tackle the BIG WINS in your 1-2-1 sessions

  • All your questions answered (if not, I'll make a video just for you)

Video lessons: Learn how relationships really work!

Go through the online part of the program at your own pace and get the Relationships Education you never received.

What you can expect...

  • 6x 5-min videos each week

  • All of Shan's knowledge & expertise condensed

  • All your questions answered (if it's not, I'll make a video just for you)

1-2-1 sessions with your own personalised Relationship Coach and Therapist

This is THE most valuable part of the program. Just like a personal trainer or coach, Shan will work with you personally to untangle your specific relationship dynamic. She will show you both exactly how to change and get instant relief.

What you can expect...

  • 12x weekly 90-minute Zoom sessions

  • Expert personalised support

  • Learn what to stop doing and what to start doing for the fastest possible results

1-2-1 sessions with your own personalised Relationship Coach and Therapist

Just like a personal trainer or coach, Shan will work with you personally to unpack your relationship dynamic and show you both exactly how to change.

What you can expect...

  • 12x weekly 90-minute Zoom sessions

  • Expert personalised support

  • Learn what to stop doing and what to start doing

Practical help at every stage

For 12 weeks you will have direct access to me, my support team, and a wealth of practical resources on and offline.

What you can expect...

  • Personal one-to-one crisis support if you run into problems

  • 'SOS' members' portal

  • A physical pack of resources to lean on

And don't worry...

You won't need to go to endless sessions of couples therapy.

My program is the antidote to that:

  • This program will turn you both into your own couples coach over 12 weeks, so that you'll never need another session again.

  • With this program we will cut through the squabbling and go deep straight away.

  • I will encourage you to get on the side of your relationship, rather than thinking: "It's Me vs. Him / Me vs. Her."

  • You'll know exactly where you’re headed because we’ll set our North Star to what you really want as an individual, and as a couple.

  • You'll set your own relationship goals to keep us all accountable to your progress. 

This is the fastest, most cost-effective way to grow into a more mature, loving relationship that I know.

And (politely), I don't want to see you again after that!

This is the most powerful, cost-effective way to grow into a more mature, loving relationship that I know.

And (politely), I don't want to see you again after that!

You probably still have 101 questions...

I totally get it. So here are some answers...

How can we become peaceful when we can’t even stand to be in the same room?

You are in the Power Struggle for the simple reason that you don’t know how to communicate. This is not your fault. No one teaches us how to love in a long-term relationship – we learn by trial and error. So, when you learn the core skill of my program – how to communicate and resolve conflict consciously and constructively – the dam of resentment will start to crack and let in the affection and love again.

How can one communication method heal years of relationship decline?

I focus on doing more of what works and less of what doesn’t. Ultimately you will each discover how to return emotional safety to your relationship and get on the side of your relationship, keep negative forces under control and allow the best in both of you to take charge of your shared journey. The communication method is just the framework that will take us to this destination in the most efficient way.

What results do you actually get with couples?

Here’s what routinely happens:

– Couples who had taken off their wedding bands decide to put them back on

– Couples start trusting each other again

– Couples start making plans again

– Couples start making love again

– Couples start being considerate towards each other again 

– Importantly, couples begin having fun together again

– Children of these couples get to grow up in an environment that’s nurturing, respectful, loving and playful. They will observe how their parents communicate and this practice will help them in their own love relationships and be passed down through the generations that follow.

But would it work for us? It worked for those couples, but we have specific issues.

Many people are afraid to back themselves because they don’t trust themselves not to fail or give up. 

What I know to be true: There are specific skills you need to learn to be able to engage in healthy relationships; communication is the most powerful one. There is a clear structure and strategy I can teach you. Whilst I cannot guarantee your success or transformation because it’s very much dependent on both of you being committed to change, I have helped many couples have transformational success through this method. What is guaranteed is that if you continue to do what you are doing now, nothing will change.

We’ve done couples therapy before and it didn’t work.

Many therapists calling themselves ‘couples therapists’ don’t specifically train to work with couples and are in fact generalists who have specifically trained to work with individuals and then branched off into couples. Working with couples is very different to working with individuals. I am a specialist, I have trained specifically to work with couples and over 90% of my practice is with couples.

I think it sounds perfect but I don't know how to mention it to my partner or convince him / her.

This is a common problem.

How do you even broach the subject without your partner assuming there's a major issue and you're really unhappy? I suggest thinking about your partner and what he / she wants to hear. You know them best, but really step into their shoes for a moment – what will their fears be and how can you allay them upfront? Some suggestions may be: 

"I know that I want to spend the rest of our lives together and so I just want us to make sure we have the best relationship possible by going to see a coach. It's a bit like a personal trainer but instead of getting fitter, we'll get an even better relationship.”

Or "Our relationship has changed since we had the kids and I think it's important that we invest some time in us as a couple again."

Or "I know that I've been a bit grumpy and hard to live with lately and I don't want to be like that with you. I think coaching could help us to be better together."

I’m worried it will highlight issues that we didn’t even know we had.

Relationship coaching will not cause any issues that weren't already there. What it will do is bring them to the surface so that all viewpoints can be aired and heard in a safe manner. From that point you can decide together how to deal with them. I call these your relationship ‘landmines’ and they’re triggered often in small ways, they may already be showing up in your relationship in seemingly unrelated ways that you haven’t yet recognised, or perhaps they often blow up and blindside both of you. We will quickly become aware of them, we will work together to remove the landmines so that you're free to never be triggered again.

The coach is bound to side with my partner and I'll feel got at.

This process isn't about right and wrong. As your coach I remain completely neutral and don't take sides. My role is to facilitate the conversation, articulate what I can see is happening and then help you both to come up with better ways of relating. Rather than feeling 'got at', the aim is for you both to have fair and ample opportunity to have your views heard but in a constructive manner. My role is also to allow the emotions to be heard and to search for the underlying reasons, beliefs and values. With this new awareness your relationship can move forward.

It feels like we'll be airing our dirty laundry in public.

Everything we discuss is completely confidential and, as a coach, I do not judge. I am experienced in working with high-achieving, often high-profile couples who depend on absolute confidentiality and discretion. Relationships are tricky and we are not taught the skills that can help them to thrive. Everyone has aspects of themselves that they would rather weren't there and those aspects often show up most spectacularly in our closest relationships. This does not make you wrong, it simply makes you human.




"Before we worked with Shan, our relationship was tense and confrontational. We were totally stuck, tangled and unable to deal with our differences in opinion."


"The work was challenging, but we felt it was a safe place to express our thoughts, feelings and difficulties. Although it was hard to hear the other's point of view it was an eye-opener to how we were both feeling. We were able to explore our difficulties and learn to actively listen. It definitely gave us a new narrative for our marriage, with a focus on a positive framework."


"Our relationship is much better, less tense. We use the practices regularly. It no longer feels threatening to disagree. We are working towards the goals we set."


It took me a long time to work this out!

When my own long-term relationship descended into the Power Struggle after we had children, I was a therapist who was already helping people with relationships!

Read my Power Struggle story below...

“How did it come to this?” I asked myself.

Only eight years ago we had an awesome, sexy, fun courtship. And now we had two wonderful daughters, had renovated two properties and moved to the gorgeous island of Ibiza! Life should have felt amazing!

But the truth was... we couldn’t stand to be in the same room together.

Even worse than that... I was a Therapist and Dating Coach by trade. My specialism was relationships, but my own relationship was failing...

Well, I wasn’t going to accept that. I decided to do something about it. So, even though we were hardly talking, I went on a mission to find a way to recreate the love, affection and closeness we’d once had.

The Challenge was...

A Google search of ‘couples therapists near me’ pointed me to a hotch-potch of different therapists, all practising contradictory models of how to improve our relationship.

And I wasn't even sure my partner would agree to go to couples therapy!

I began to study every self-help book and webinar I could. I devoured any information that promised we would be able to stop bickering and blaming, move back into the same bedroom and find warmth and affection again. (Co-sleeping with our children had been great for our kids but really rubbish for our relationship!)

I eventually found the answers I’d been looking for – and I couldn't believe how powerful they were.

But it wasn’t just me that needed convincing... I needed to get my partner on board, who wasn’t exactly my biggest fan at the time.

Over the previous 4 years we’d let our relationship slide into blaming, bickering, nagging, fighting and long silences.

But I knew that if my partner saw and understood this, she'd get it.

After a little persuasion (read: another argument), I convinced my partner to embark on Imago couples therapy. And I'm glad we did, because that rainy morning marked the beginning of our Great Relationship Comeback.

What did we learn that began to turn things around?

Well, that weekend we learned one of the most powerful relationship secrets there is; that there are 4 Stages of Relationships and that we were in the 'Power Struggle' stage. And that tens of thousands of couples had found their way out of the Power Struggle into Peace.

The effect was instant. My partner was suddenly full of hope, excitedly telling her parents what we'd learnt. The following weekend we moved our daughters into their own bedrooms, and us back into our bed together.

It was as if a lightbulb went on in our heads. And all it took was this one new understanding of how relationships work (and I mean any relationship; straight, gay, young, old). We'd also been taught a daily communication practice that would help us create new positivity and affection, no matter what we'd been through together.

Years later, we still use this practice to chat in a relaxed way about finances – I honestly still can't believe we're able to do this!

Now, if you're like 95% of couples, you won't have heard of the 4 Stages of Relationships.

Perhaps you know the 5 Love Languages and your partner knows you love Acts of Service – like having a cup of tea brought up to you in bed, for example.

That's great... but if you're anything like us, knowing your 5 Love Languages doesn't stop you from engaging in the 5 Less-than-Lovely LanguagesBickering, Blaming, Sulking, Nagging, and Withdrawing into other more friendly pursuits – sports, the kids, work, TV, food, drinking, etc.

I don't know about you, but to save our relationship, we needed way more than the 5 love languages. What we needed – and what we received, thank God! – was a whole new way of seeing the stages our relationship had already gone through, and would go through in the future.

I've boiled down the most effective ideas for couples into a simple 12-week online program you can start today.

  • 12 weeks of one-to-one coaching with Shan – these are weekly 90min Zoom sessions (£1,800 value)

  • 12x mid-week voicenote check-ins for real-time advice from Shan (£1,200 value)

  • Access to all the video lessons in the online course, 'Power Struggle to Peace’ (£997 value)

  • Access it on the Power Struggle to Peace app – listen & learn on the go (£497 value)

Total value (and divorce savings) £4,494

All for just £2,997

(or 2 instalments of £1,697)

I could stop there, but I want to make sure I give you everything you need to achieve a Peaceful relationship.

That’s why I’m also including…

Your Power Struggle Survival Pack

(£147 value)

I will coach you through your 12x weekly sessions but the work you do at home is also key. To support you to do the work together (your success depends on it), I'm sending you a survival pack! The elements inside will help when you're stuck for words, feeling frustrated, or having a bad day.


  • 2x Power Struggle to Peace Workbooks – I'm the kind of person who needs to write things on paper to learn, so all the Steps and Lessons are printed in your own personal workbook and journal.

  • 2x Dialogue Prompt Cards – suggesting positive and neutral subjects to aid your daily communication practice at home.

  • 2x Appreciation Prompt Card – helps beginners remember the different ways you can begin your daily practice. 

  • 2x Emotions Wheel – A beautiful printed card that aids you in telling your partner how you feel.

  • 2x Power Struggle to Peace Workbooks – I'm the kind of person who needs to write things on paper to learn, so all the Steps and Lessons are printed in your own personal workbook and journal.

  • 2x Dialogue Prompt Cards – suggesting positive and neutral subjects to aid your daily communication practice at home.

  • 2x Appreciation Prompt Card – helps beginners remember the different ways you can begin your daily practice. 

  • 2x Emotions Wheel – A beautiful printed card that aids you in telling your partner how you feel.

S.O.S. videos

(£297 value)

I have catalogued the pitfalls that every single couple I've coached through this process has encountered, and I've recorded a video to help you overcome it.

This section is GOLD. Use it when you're stuck. In the unlikely event that your problem isn't listed, send me an email at and I'll make a video to help just for you.

Digital copy of my book, From Power Struggle to Peaceful Couple


All the secrets of how to transform your relationship from painful, devastating and destructive to peaceful, powerful and loving are in these pages.

If you want to supercharge your 12 weeks with me, hit the button below, immediately download your digital copy of the book and let's go!

S.O.S. videos

(£297 value)

I have catalogued the pitfalls that every single couple I've coached through this process has encountered, and I've recorded a video to help you overcome it.

This section is GOLD. Use it when you're stuck. In the unlikely event that your problem isn't listed, send me an email at and I'll make a video to help just for you.

Digital copy of my book, From Power Struggle to Peaceful Couple


All the secrets of how to transform your relationship from painful, devastating and destructive to peaceful, powerful and loving are in these pages.

If you want to supercharge your 12 weeks with me, hit the button below, immediately download your digital copy of the book and let's go!


A & J, UK


"...Things are a million times better than when we started 😃."

So, here are your options right now:

Click away from here & keep fighting, bickering, blaming, not knowing the cause.

Over time, your Power Struggle will swallow up more of the good parts of your relationship.

In this case, I hope you'll come back to me later once you realise, unfortunately, that you're in deeper trouble. (Remember, no matter what has happened, I can help you rebuild your love if you really want to.)

OR you could skip all that pain, frustration and heartache by investing in your relationship now. This way you start improving your relationship today.

I can personally guarantee the rewards of this investment in your relationship will last longer and be more meaningful than any wedding, holiday or family home you could purchase. It has the potential to transform your next 10, 20, or 30 years together.

Click away from here & keep fighting, bickering, blaming, not knowing the cause.

Over time, your Power Struggle will eat up more of the good parts of your relationship.

In this case, I hope you'll come back to me later once you realise you're in deeper trouble. Remember, no matter what has happened, I can help you rebuild.

OR you could skip all that pain, frustration and heartache by investing in your relationship now. This way you start improving your relationship today.

I can personally guarantee the rewards of this investment in your relationship will last longer and be more meaningful than any wedding, holiday or family home you could purchase. It has the potential to transform your next 10, 20, 30 years together.

So what’s it going to be?

Guard against the crippling costs of divorce and experience the joy of creating sustainable peace, love and affection in your relationship...

...Or stay in deadlock – fighting about surface issues, unable to access empathy for each other, heading towards further despair or eventually, sadly, divorce.

  • 12 weeks of one-to-one coaching with Shan – these are weekly 90min Zoom sessions

    (£1,800 value)

  • 12x mid-week voicenote check-ins for real-time advice from Shan

    (£1,200 value)

  • Access to all the video lessons in the online course, 'Power Struggle to Peace’

    (£997 value)

  • Access it on the Power Struggle to Peace app – listen & learn on the go

    (£497 value)

  • Power Struggle Survival Pack (£149 value) incl:

  • 2x Power Struggle to Peace Workbooks

  • 2x Dialogue Prompt cards

  • 2x Appreciation Prompt cards

  • 2x Emotions Wheels

  • A personal gift from me (£49 value)

  • SOS videos (£297 value)

  • Copy of my book 'From Power Struggle to Peaceful Couple' containing all of my most up-to-date lessons to download and read straight away (priceless)

Total value
(including all bonuses)
= £4,994

Just £2,997 today

I have room for 5 couples a month

I take this work seriously, and really dive in deep with each and every couple I serve. Since I only have so many hours per week, I can only accept 5 new couples onto the program per month.


My service is not for everyone. It’s best suited to couples who really want to do what it takes to repair their relationship fast. I don’t want you to waste your time or mine if we’re not the best match.

If you’re ready to take the next step and get the relationship you want, click below and let’s get you onboarded.


Act now to reserve your spot

Try the online part of the programme for 7 days risk-free

You’ll be relieved to know that there’s absolutely NO RISK in giving Power Struggle to Peace a try because your investment is covered by my RISK-FREE money back guarantee:

When you enroll in Power Struggle to Peace, you’ll have a full 7 days to look at the online part of the course and decide if it's for you, before you attend your first one-to-one with me.

If, at any time during this 7-day period, you watch the videos and find it’s not giving you a new perspective on your relationship, just let me know. I’ll gladly refund every penny of your investment up to the 7-day mark.


Why I created this program...

...Simply because I know first-hand that this method works.

I know how painful it is to feel hopeless and lonely in your relationship.

Only 4 years ago in 2019, I would sit outside my finca in Ibiza after we'd had another blazing row, wondering:

"How can we possibly get back from this mess?"

I am so very grateful for this method that I will advocate for it forever. I want more couples to know you can transform your relationship beyond what you can even dream is possible right now.

When your relationship is good, life is good.

Why I created this program...

...Simply because I know this method works.

I know how painful it is to feel hopeless and lonely in your relationship.

Only 4 years ago in 2019, I would sit outside my finca in Ibiza after we'd had another blazing row, wondering: "How can we possibly get back from this mess?"

I am so very grateful for this method that I will advocate for it forever. I want more couples to know you can transform your relationship beyond what you can even dream is possible right now.

When your relationship is good, life is good.

*I do not take on clients where there is any kind of emotional, mental, physical or sexual abuse that has previously occurred or is occurring now. The advice given in my book is not intended for these types of situations.

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